SugataPyne, Manager, Smart Metabolic Anti-Aging centre

Testosterone is a hormone secreted primarily from testes of male reproductive organ. It plays a significant role in the development of male reproductive organs-prostate and testes and also in the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as increase in muscle development and bone mass and growth of body hair.

In simple terms, testosterone is what makes you a man -Itmakes you attractive to women, powers your sex drive and helps you recover from workouts. It’s a driving force in your health, energy and lifespan. And it’s going down!

In the past 2 decades, men’s average testosterone level has dropped 15-20% making them fatter, less sexual and less satisfied.

Don’t get us wrong, testosterone does decline naturally as men age. Starting at age 35, there a gradual decline that accelerates the aging process in men. But in the past 20 years, there are a lot of other factors that have affected male testosterone levels. Consequently, men in their 20s and 30s are experiencing unusually low levels of testosterone as opposed to their previous generations.

The condition does remain undiagnosed in a large number of cases.

Do you feel constantly tired and suffer from a loss in virility?

A hallmark symptom of low testosterone is low libido or loss of interest in sex. Typically low testosterone levels will lead to:

  1. Constant fatigue
  2. Erectile dysfunction
  3. Difficulty in achieving orgasm
  4. Reduced intensity of orgasm
  5. Reduced amount of ejaculatory fluid
  6. Decreased muscle mass
  7. Loss of motivation, feeling down, irritability.
  8. Increased risk of diabetes, atherosclerosis, weak bones etc.

Loss of testosterone is typically attributed to stress, but depression and certain medications also lead to decline in sex drive.

Getting yourself tested for Testosterone

Testosterone levels can be measured through a simple blood test. Since the hormone appears in various forms within your body, a doctor will have to asses which type of testosterone needs to be checked. Other tests for Luteinizing Hormone, Prolactin, Haematocrit, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), bone density etc. can be prescribed for detailed assessment.

Increasing Testosterone

The best way to increase testosterone in your body is therapy, and typically doctors will prescribe it in cases of extreme deficiencies. However, there are a few natural remedies to help you along in case you are not ready – or require therapy.

  1. Exercise

Lifting heavy weight and functional interval training, sprinting, lower body workout including squats and deadlifts with shorter rest periods may provide a slight boost in testosterone levels, periodically. Concurrently, over training might have the opposite effect!

  1. Diet

A protein rich with good fats from animal and dairy sources may give your body the fuel it needs to make testosterone.

  1. Supplementation

Vitamin and mineral supplements for Vitamin D, Zinc and Fish oil will help deal with conditions arising as a lack of low testosterone like weak bones. Vitamin D is also essential for the natural production of testosterone.

  1. Ban smoking
  2. Lose the fat

Body fat, especially belly fat results in the increased presence of aromatase enzyme in your body. This enzyme converts testosterone into estrogen – a female hormone that makes you look softer, have softer erections and makes you softer emotionally.

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