Virility And Libido Programs
Half the men aged 50 and above have Erectile Dysfunction and up to 48% of women have Female Sexual Dysfunction!
Low virility and loss of sexual appetite are some of the first signs of Insulin Resistance and hormonal imbalance in Men and Women, that often stand ignored due to social taboos and lack of understanding. Our in house doctors seek to educate and empower, with a range of treatments including natural hormone and PRP treatments to reach the goal of sexual enhancement in both sexes.
Is this program for me?
Reverse erectile dysfunction which is one of the first signs of Insulin resistance in men and sexual dysfunction in women which is a result of hormonal imbalance. Your sexual health is also an indicator of your propensity to get Cardio-Vascular Disease. Replenish your sexual system with results visible within a few months of treatment.
Benefits Include:
- Improves urinary continence.
- Boost Self Esteem.
- Enhanced libido.
- Stronger more pronounced orgasms.
- Increased sexual arousal.
- Tighter vagina (female) / Increased fullness/firmness (male).
- Reduces Painful Sex.
- Improves Fertility.
- Non Invasive Therapy