Dr Sonali Chaudhury, Consultant – Integrative Dermatology and Cosmetology
No matter how old you are, the desire to look radiant and resplendent remains. The world of skin care is large and confusing. There are too many products, therapies, food items that claim to give you that picture perfect skin – and sometimes frankly, its hard to pick the right one.
As an integrative dermatologist, I have always maintained that skin care starts from the inside but it is the outside that we must work on regularly to ensure that the goodness within continues to shine.
Here are 5 must Do’s for your skin that you should follow, whether you’re 15 or 50!
Right Diet: You are what you eat. Those carbohydrate and Sugar laden binges begin to manifest as signs of aging in your skin. Pigmentation, Acne, premature wrinkles – all of them can be caused by excess sugar. It is not the only factor, but it is major factor.
Stress: Have you ever notices the slight frown on your face when you are stressed? Or those rigid lines that appear when you are upset? Stress makes the skin more sensitive and reactive, releasing hormones that make skin more oily and prone to acne.
Sleep: Your skin needs to rest. On an average, women need more sleep than men – and the lack of sleep shows on your skin faster.
Hydrate: Invest in a good moisturisers that suits your skin. Every skin is different, try out several options till you find ‘the one’!
Apply Sunscreen: Did you know that even when you are indoors, your skin is exposed to Ultraviolet (UV) A light of the sun which crosses the glass windows; UV B light is what you get exposed to, when you walk out in the sun. Both are harmful and cause damage to your skin.
Skin care in your teens and twenties
Keep your skin care routine fuss-free with mild cleansing, exfoliation, sunblock and finally moisturising. Don’t overstress about your skin.
Skin care in your 30s
Use a foaming or non-foaming cleanser depending on the skin type. Follow it up by using a serum with antioxidant properties or rich in vitamin C. Apply Sunblock and finally Moisturise.
Intermittent exfoliation also plays an important role and under eye creams can also be used to deal with pigmentation, fine and deep lines under the eyes.
Skin care in your 40s & 50s
While the routine remains the same, the key difference is here of the products: opt for a hydrating cleanser, an antioxidant rich serums, exfoliation, use of sunblock and finally moisturise.
Women (and men) in this age bracket must add night creams with Vitamin E and A derivatives to deal with pigmentation and fine lines. Under eye creams can also be used.