Instant Beauty Boosters – Smart Metabolic Anti Aging Centre

Instant Beauty Boosters

Instant Beauty Boosters

IV Brightening Treatment

IV Brightening Treatment

Glutathione is the most powerful anti-oxidant in our body whose use also results in skin lightening and brightening.

IV Vitamin C shots

IV Vitamin C shots

IV collagen

IV collagen

A body protein that tightens skins and counters aging. IV will replenish depleted reserves and boost new collagen reserves.

+ IV Brightening Treatment

IV Brightening Treatment

IV Brightening Treatment

Glutathione is the most powerful anti-oxidant in our body whose use also results in skin lightening and brightening.

+ IV Vitamin C shots

IV Vitamin C shots

IV Vitamin C shots

+ IV collagen

IV collagen

IV collagen

A body protein that tightens skins and counters aging. IV will replenish depleted reserves and boost new collagen reserves.